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    You left me speechless, so speechless


    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2009-12-29
    Age : 34
    Location : CT

    You left me speechless, so speechless Empty You left me speechless, so speechless

    Post by SoSpeechless Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:35 pm

    Camilla Odassi was wholly content in her current relationship. She and Serena had been together for about four months, quite the feat for a girl who’d had a scant few relationships in the past. They weren’t perfect, of course, but for the most part, they got along without issue. It helped that they’d been friends before they’d started dating, a transition that had seemed almost natural with all the time they spent together. Serena was what she’d always looked for in a partner- loving, compassionate, funny, sweet. The perfect girl, the perfect friend. They were good together, the two of them, she mused. Lifting a slim black cigarette to her lips, Millie contemplated the time they’d had together. The night was somewhat chilly, her breath materializing in front of her face in a thick cloud. The smoke from her cigarette mingled with the visible air escaping her nose. Despite the cold, the redhead wasn’t wearing all that much. A long-sleeved black shirt and jeans completed the ensemble. That was probably why she was shivering, her free arm folded tight against her stomach as she waited, leaning against the brick wall of the building.

    It was a few minutes later when the door to the restaurant opened. Automatically shifting sharp green eyes to the person leaving the warmth, Millie noted it was, in fact, her girlfriend. “Hey, sweet thing. Going my way?” she called, her slightly husky voice tinted with sexual overtones and a hint of the southwestern drawl she’d had as a kid. “’Cause you sure look fiiine. I wouldn’t mind taking you home.” A grin spread as the other woman flushed and rolled her eyes, crossing to her.

    “You’re so embarrassing,” Serena teased, tugging the collar of the taller girl’s shirt to bring her lips down to hers. “Hitting on random girls outside classy restaurants. That’s how you get into trouble.” Their mouths were curved into smiles when they met in a light kiss, almost friendly in its brevity.

    “Sure hope my girlfriend doesn’t find out,” Millie replied lightly, touching a finger to the shorter girl’s nose. The brunette wrinkled her nose at the feel of cold flesh against her face, a hand automatically reaching out to swat it away and pluck the cigarette from her fingers. She tossed it down, ground it out with the toe of her shoe. The gesture annoyed Millie slightly, but she’d grown used to it and so ignored it after a moment.

    Laughing, Serena shook her head and removed her own coat, tossing it over her girlfriend’s shoulders. It was a bit too small, but it would keep her warm. “Your girlfriend’s a shrimp. We can take her.” At five foot three, Serena stood a full five inches shorter than the redhead she dated. They were opposites in almost every way, from looks to attitudes to style. Serena was petite and had a dark complexion, long brown hair and matching eyes. She was a sweetheart, the kind who never raised her voice or held a grudge. She wore clothes that were feminine and bright, always colorful. Camilla was tall and willowy, curved but not extremely so. Both hair and eyes were bright, red and green that sat in sharp contrast with pale skin. She had a stubborn streak and didn’t shy away from a fight. She tended to keep her clothing choices neutral , nothing too bright- except on the rare occasion she dressed up.

    “Aren’t you sweet,” she murmured, wrapping the coat closer around her chilled body. Yes, Serena was sweet. Sometimes too sweet, to be honest. That was why Millie rarely went back to her apartment with her. In college, Serena had made a lot of friends. One of them was currently living with her, supposedly because she was running low on money as she finished her schooling. Millie personally didn’t believe it. Serena paid the majority of the rent – if not all, though she never asked which it was. More often than not, she paid the utilities and bought the groceries. The girl didn’t expect much in return. She had money to spare, and in her mind, her friend needed help. Millie couldn’t understand why she thought it was necessary to do all of this for some girl she’d met in college. To her mind, her girlfriend was being taken advantage of and she didn’t like it. The situation was the one point of contention between the two, one of very few things they fought over.

    They walked the single block to where Serena had parked, climbing into the car so that they could drive the rest of the way to the other girl’s apartment. Often times when Serena worked late, Millie would park near her place, walk about a half an hour to the restaurant, then wait for her girlfriend to get out. She didn’t like Serena walking alone. She could handle herself, but her girlfriend was a pushover. So she’d meet her, walk with her to her car, and then drive back. It didn’t take as long as walking did. Soon they were pulling over, parking in front of the apartment building where Serena lived.

    Their lips met, a soft kiss they lingered over as their short time together drew to a close. The two girls leaned over the console separating their seats to partake in the embrace, their hands placed innocently on cheek or knee. “You should come up,” the brunette murmured in a whisper, her eyes opening so that she might smile at her girlfriend and search for a reaction. “Come up, be with me for a while.” The other girl’s eyes were now open as well, nose wrinkling. She didn’t want to. Not because of the other girl. No, it wasn’t her fault she didn’t want to go upstairs.

    “Serena, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said slowly, hand shifting away from the other girl’s knee as she straightened in her seat. “You know I can’t stand that girl.” The redhead sighed and combed a hand through her thick hair, dropping it back down after a moment to her own lap. “It never ends well when you stick us together.”

    “I’m sure you could put up with her long enough to watch a movie. Besides, you wouldn’t fight if you realized she’s not as bad as you think she is.” Pulling back away from the other girl, the brunette made a sound of frustration and got quickly from the car. Here we go again, Millie thought as she quickly followed, catching up with the smaller woman as she neared the door. God, sometimes she felt ages older than her companion. Only three years separated them, and yet there were times Serena seemed to be a very immature twenty-one. Still, she had a point. It shouldn’t have been so hard to get along with her girlfriend’s roommate. They’d just always rubbed one another the wrong way.

    “You’ll pass out in the middle of the movie anyways,” she teased, pressing her lips to Serena’s forehead as her fingers slid down and laced through the other girls. A mental sigh of relief filled her mind when the other woman smiled in return and giggled, snuggling into her side. As long as her girlfriend was happy, she could deal with the roommate. So together, the two girls went up the stairs and into the apartment. She just hoped the other moocher wasn’t home. That would just solve all of their problems.

    Ooc; I hate startingggg. DX Sorry this sucks.

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